Painted finish frames

Custom matched ribbon pattern.
Print by Hal Mayforth
Rounded corner black over orange.
Serigraph by Noman_Binyone
Brown stripe over cream cap.
Linocut by Troy Lovegates
Distressed Black Wavy Pattern.

Distressed Red Painted Pine.
Serigraph by Shepherd Fairey
Neopolitan Ribbon Pattern.
Serigraph by Tate Foley
Whitewashed basswood shadowbox with tie-dyed inner lining.
Cream Ribbon Over Blue with Pink inner frame.
Blue/Green faded wash with black edges.

Black Boxspring pattern over white.

Distressed violet painted pine.

Black Wavy pattern with matched accents.

Purple ribbon pattern over bone white.

Cream Ribbon pattern over black.

Custom matched stripes.
Original drawing by Daniel Johnston